My Next Steps

There are three ways to join our church:

  1. Profession of your Faith: You have made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ and will follow that profession with getting baptized by immersion at First Baptist Church.

  2. Joining By Statement: You previously have trusted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and after your profession of faith, you were baptized as a believer by immersion.

  3. Transfer of Membership: You were a member of another Baptist church and would like to transfer your membership to First Baptist Church.

Church Center Online

Church Center Online is the easiest way to get connected here at FBCDS. Church Center give you access to see our events going on, our church calendar, access to check into a group such as a bible study (or check in a student), and access to online giving as well. This is a great place to start if you’d simply like to learn more about us here at FBCDS!

How to Join

If you’d like more information about joining the church, please fill out the contact form below:


What is Baptism?
Baptism is a physical picture of a spiritual change in one who has been beautifully wrecked by the Gospel. It is a picture to be seen and celebrated by others revealing our restored relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ.

Baptism is also a public profession of a private faith. Jesus told us that if we will confess Him before men, He will confess us before the Father. Thus, we honor Him by boldly standing before others in baptism waters!

 At First Baptist Church, we practiced believer’s baptism by immersion. 

Who should be Baptized?
Anyone who has made a genuine profession of faith in Jesus Christ is encouraged to follow His example and obey His command to be baptized as a public profession of one’s faith in Him.  

If you have not made a commitment to follow Jesus, we would love to answer your questions and help you learn more about what it means to be a Christian.

When should I be Baptized?
You can schedule your baptism date with our pastor. We are able to baptize on almost any Sunday morning.

Join a Bible Study

We believe that the Christian faith was never meant to be lived alone. Simply put, we are better together. At First Baptist Church, we strongly encourage everyone to be involved in a small group Bible study.

We study God’s Word to hear from Him and to better connect with each other. We meet throughout the year, both on campus and off. 

Although most groups’ curriculum consists of a study of a book of the Bible and discussion, some utilize topical studies and even video-based tools like Right Now Media.

Interested in a Bible study? Fill out the form below to receive more information: