Missional Living

Living and serving beyond ourselves is critical. We were saved that we might now serve others. Reaching unreached people with the gospel, whether locally, throughout our nation or the world is not an option for followers of Christ… it is a command.

We believe everybody has a role to play in missions and we are called to play our part. Some send. Others go. All can serve. Regardless of the task, we firmly understand that God desires all people of all nations to know and worship Him.

Locally, we visit the sick and homebound. We help care for and feed those who can’t do so by themselves. We extend grace and mercy to others through our generosity and our time. Throughout our country, we partner with those who are actively sharing the gospel through church planting and evangelism. Internationally, we likewise support and serve many who are in the field.

We send people out. We partner with existing ministries. We financially support those who need additional resources. And we individually aspire to live our part in the grand story of God’s redeeming plan.